Smiling mother and daugher.

The HealthyStart® System is an oral appliance therapy that promotes natural growth and development, which addresses the root causes of Sleep Disordered Breathing. Healthy Start not only addresses the root cause of Sleep Disorder Breathing, it simultaneously straightens your child’s teeth without braces. Rarely has there been a single appliance or system with the power to impact your child’s health in so many positive ways.

Every child deserves a healthy start

HealthyStart® Appliances are FDA Cleared, BPA, Silicone and Latex Free, ISO Certified, and a Health Canada Class II Medical-Grade Device.

Treatment with the HealthyStart® Appliance System promotes natural growth and development and is safe and effective. HealthyStart® is non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical, pain-free and non-invasive therapy, is soft, comfortable and worn at night (or as directed) to assist parents who struggle with children affected by Sleep-Related Breathing Disorder, a restricted airway and crowded or crooked teeth.

The Healthy Start System is designed to address:

  • Symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing
  • Development of the Dentition
  • Development of the Jaws and Facial Profile
  • Opening of the Airway
  • Straightening of the Teeth
  • Facilitating Dental Arch Expansino
  • Positioning and Training the TNOgue for Correct Toungue Placement
  • Correcting a Tongue Thrust
  • Teaching Proper Swallowing
  • Promoting Nasal Breathing
  • Eliminating Oral Habits such as Thumb or Finger Sucking
  • Correcting Overbite, Overjet, Crowding, Gummy Smile, and Cross-Bite

Early Treatment is Critical

Our office is a proud provider of HealthyStart®. Ask us about the Healthy Start System to see if it is right for your child.

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